Liberating Microscopy

Introducing the world’s first SEM to operate entirely in the
open air, achieving nanometer resolution without the vacuum chamber.

Liberating Microscopy

Introducing the world’s first SEM to operate entirely in the open air, achieving nanometer resolution without the vacuum chamber.

The World’s Most Powerful
Magnification, Everywhere.

AirSEM delivers the operational simplicity
of optical microscopes to electron microscopy.

The World’s Most Powerful
Magnification, Everywhere.

AirSEM delivers the operational simplicity of optical microscopes to electron microscopy.

Hello Limitless


No vacuum exposure
means no material

Zero Size

No vacuum chamber
means no size

Fastest Time
to Results

Open air operation
means nothing gets
in the way


Inspect Anything

No vacuum exposure means no material restrictions

  • Image anything including vacuum-incompatible samples.
  • Follow processes on the nanometer scale

Fastest Time to Results

Open air operation means nothing gets in the way

  • Minimal sample preparation
  • Simple and rapid application flow
  • No turn-around time between samples
  • Non-destructive inspection

Zero Size Limitations

No vacuum chamber means no size restrictions

  • Imaging of large panels, PCBs, and more
  • Review at any stage of the process

Our Technology

Our patented technology is primed to revolutionize
microscopy across industries and applications.

Our Technology

Our patented technology is primed to revolutionize microscopy across industries and applications.

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